The Healthy People 2030 Progress Tracker is now available to use in Hawaii Health Matters (HHM)! Healthy People 2030 is a comprehensive set of key disease prevention and health promotion objectives for the United States. The health objectives and targets allow communities to assess their health status and build an agenda for community health improvement. This tracker can be used to monitor Hawaiʻi’s progress towards national targets. It includes national and state data for over 60 objectives including most of the Leading Health Indicators (LHI).
When you click on an indicator in the tracker, you can check to see if the indicator is a LHI by hovering over the HP2030 Icon. For instance, “Adults with New Cases of Diabetes” is a LHI as shown in the light blue text box.
You can access the tracker any time under the “Track Progress” tab from the HHM homepage, and by clicking on the first option titled “HP 2030 Tracker”. Visit our YouTube channel if you would like to watch a video tutorial on how to utilize the tracker.
Updated: 09/14/2021