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Support - have an adult to talk to, high school

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Have an adult to talk to, high school by county, 2019, 2021, 2023

Why Is This Important?

Adolescence can be a difficult time emotionally and socially. Much is changing both internally and externally, which can result in stress. When an adolescent has a trusted adult with whom they feel comfortable talking about important issues, that stress can be reduced. Additionally, the adult can provide advice and assistance to the adolescent, which may also help mediate stressful life events.


Percent of high school students who have an adult or teacher they can talk to about things that are important to them, either at home or at school.

Data Source

'''Citation''': Hawaii State Departments of Education and Health, Hawaii Health Data Warehouse, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey. [Chart Title, appropriate years(s)]. Published [update date]. Accessed [query date]. [URL]

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of high school students who have a parent or other adult at home or a teacher or other adult at school who they can talk to about things that are important to them.
Denominator:Number of high school students for whom adult support can be calculated (excludes unknowns and refusals).
Indicator Data Last Updated On 08/18/2024, Published on 01/13/2025