Query Results for Hawaiʻi Birth Data - Percent of Low and Very Low Birth Weight Infants (less than 2500 grams)
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- This features only effects queryable datasets loaded after the apply criteria feature is enabled.
- When a new queryable dataset is loaded, this features does NOT clean/clear any of that dataset's default selected values - it simply supplements the newly loaded dataset's selections with those values captured when the apply criteria feature was enabled.
- When in the builder interface you can override and make additional changes (select or deselect).
- Changes made in the builder interface are not automatically saved to the enabled apply criteria definition. However, once you have a result you can reapply the current critera by using this dialog and pressing the "Reapply" button. If you do not see this button then the apply criteria feature has not been enabled.
- Selections are applied according to what selections are available within that given queryable dataset. For example if your apply criteria is set for years 1999-2015 and the dataset does not have 1999 then only years 2000-2015 will be selected.
- This feature is available immediately and does not require any user login account. However, if you wish to save this definition you will need to have either a free self registered user account or a secure DOH account and be logged in to be able to save your definitions.
- TURNING OFF: These selections will remain in effect for the length of your current session on this site. It is turned off by pressing the "Clear" button.
- TECHNICAL NOTE: The selection's internal dimension names and values MUST match. In some instances a value's title shown to the user will look the same as the dataset's but it is stored internally with a different name or value so they do not match and thus will not be selected. As an end user there is nothing that can be done about this situation because this is something the dataset author must setup. If you see something like this please contact us and report this issue.
For example, you may always prefer to display a county map and a horizontal
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selections will be automatically applied to all subsequent queryable datasets
you open when applicable.
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See the Introduction to My Selections page for more information.
Query Criteria
Infant's Birth Location State Filter: | Infant's birth location state, Hawaii State |
Year Filter: | 2021, 2022, 2023 |
Data Grouped By: | Year |

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Data Notes
Hawaiʻi Resident Births
Infant's birth locations include all babies born in Hawaiʻi regardless of their mother's place of residence (visitors plus residents). Mother's residence birth geographies (state, county, island, etc) include babies born in Hawaiʻi to mothers who were residents of Hawaiʻi.Infant Birth Weight
Low birth weight refers to infant births of 0-2499 grams, about 5.5 lbs. Very low birth weight refers to infant births of 0-1500 grams, about 3.3 lbs.Suppression of Estimates
In accordance with data use restrictions of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), counts of fewer than 9 are suppressed to protect the privacy of the individuals and rates based on counts of 19 or fewer are suppressed because they are statistically unreliable. To further help interpret the data we have provided an indication of stability, based on the relative standard error (RSE). Estimates with an RSE of 30% - 49.9% are listed as Unstable and estimates with an RSE of 50% or greater are listed as Very Unstable.U.S. Data
Comparable data for the U.S. and other states may be found on the CDC's Wide-ranging ONline Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER) [https://wonder.cdc.gov].
Data Sources
'''Citation''': Hawaii State Department of Health, Hawaii Health Data Warehouse, Office of Health Status Monitoring, Birth Data. [Chart Title, appropriate years(s)]. Published [update date]. Accessed [query date]. [URL]Data Issues
Confidence Intervals for Zero Values
For rates where the count is zero, a numerator of "3" was used to calculate the confidence interval (per Lillienfeld and Stolley, Foundations of Epidemiology, 1994).Infant's Gestational Age and Trimester Prenatal Care Began
In 2014, the National Center for Health Statistics changed the method of calculating gestational age from date of last menstrual period (LMP) to obstetric estimate (OE). As a result, prenatal care and preterm birth data before 2014 cannot be directly compared to data from 2014 forward. To conserve space, HHDW has limited the report options to 2014 and forward. Users who wish to view prenatal care or preterm birth data for 2000-2013 can contact us at profiles@hhdw.org.