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Query Results for Hawaiʻi Death Data - Age-adjusted Rates, Deaths per 100,000 Population for DOH Race Categories

Query Result Page Options

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  • This features only effects queryable datasets loaded after the apply criteria feature is enabled.
  • When a new queryable dataset is loaded, this features does NOT clean/clear any of that dataset's default selected values - it simply supplements the newly loaded dataset's selections with those values captured when the apply criteria feature was enabled.
  • When in the builder interface you can override and make additional changes (select or deselect).
  • Changes made in the builder interface are not automatically saved to the enabled apply criteria definition. However, once you have a result you can reapply the current critera by using this dialog and pressing the "Reapply" button. If you do not see this button then the apply criteria feature has not been enabled.
  • Selections are applied according to what selections are available within that given queryable dataset. For example if your apply criteria is set for years 1999-2015 and the dataset does not have 1999 then only years 2000-2015 will be selected.
  • This feature is available immediately and does not require any user login account. However, if you wish to save this definition you will need to have either a free self registered user account or a secure DOH account and be logged in to be able to save your definitions.
  • TURNING OFF: These selections will remain in effect for the length of your current session on this site. It is turned off by pressing the "Clear" button.
  • TECHNICAL NOTE: The selection's internal dimension names and values MUST match. In some instances a value's title shown to the user will look the same as the dataset's but it is stored internally with a different name or value so they do not match and thus will not be selected. As an end user there is nothing that can be done about this situation because this is something the dataset author must setup. If you see something like this please contact us and report this issue.
) to all subsequent dataset query requests. This feature can help you save time and be consistent by automatically applying your defined selections to other queryable datasets you open.
For example, you may always prefer to display a county map and a horizontal bar chart. You would make those initial selections, submit your selections, and then click to apply this criteria feature. From that point on, those selections will be automatically applied to all subsequent queryable datasets you open when applicable.

Name Field

Unique name of this query definition. The name value needs to be a unique value within YOUR list of saved query definitions. The name value is used as part of the HTTP request URL to reference this query definition.

It is recommend you name your definitions in a consistent manner to help referencing and sharing with others. Names can be up to 250 characters long and can not contain spaces or special characters. Valid values for a name include upper and/or lower case alphabetic characters (A-z), and/or numeric values (0-9), and/or a dash or underscore that can be used as a seperator ("-", and/or "_").

If you name this definition the same name as an existing definition you will overwrite the current definition with this new one.

Title Field

The title value is the title you will see on your query definition selection lists. It is recommended that you keep your titles and unique so that they are meaningful, consistent, and easily identifyable. Titles can be a maximum length of 250 characters long. Use the "Description" field to list any extra details or notes that you'd like to have associated with this definition.

Description Field

The "Description" entry is provided as a place that you can store any notes or special descriptions that will allow you to use that definition. This can include descriptions like intended studies, limitations, and notes that can be used to help you remember what this definition was intended to be used for. A synopsis of the selections can also prove to be helpful but are not needed as the definition detail provides all of the selections. This field shows up on the list pages as an information popup next to the definition's title text.

Keep Definition Private Checkbox

The "Keep Private" checkbox controls if you want your query definition to be listable by other users. If checked then a user can not see this definition when they make a list request of your definitions.

Last Modified Date

Date this saved query definition was last updated.
N/A - New Definition
* = Required Input

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Password Security Note

It is recommended that you NOT use an existing password as this password as this password value could be compromised then used to gain access to your other sensitive accounts.

See the Introduction to My Selections page for more information.

Query Criteria

Decedent's State of Residence - HI Residents Only Filter: Hawaii State
Year Filter: 2021, 2022, 2023
Data Grouped By:Decedent's Race/Ethnicity (DOH)

  • StableThis estimate is based on 20 or more counts, meeting the National Centers of Health Statistics (NCHS) standard of reliability and has relative standard error (RSE) of 0.30 or less.

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Data Notes

  • Age-adjusted Rates

    The age-adjusted rate controls for differences in age-distribution within a population to allow for better comparison across geographic areas or race/ethnicity. The rates are age-adjusted using the 2000 U.S. Standard population.
  • Death Certificate Data

    Death certificates in Hawaiʻi are required to be filed by funeral directors. Funeral directors obtain demographic information from an informant, a close family member of the decedent. The cause of death is certified by the decedent's health care provider (physician or nurse practitioner) or the health care provider who attended the death. Unattended deaths are certified by the local health officer. Accidental and suspicious deaths are certified by the Office of the Medical Examiner. Death certificate data go through extensive edits for completeness and consistency. The DOH Office of Health Status Monitoring (OHSM) does periodic trainings for funeral directors and local registrars. When death certificates are received, the cause of death literals are keyed into software locally by the OHSM, then shipped to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) where they are machine coded into ICD-10 cause-of-death codes. NCHS returns the ICD-10 codes to OHSM where the death records are updated.
  • Measure Notes

    Data have been age-adjusted to the U.S. 2000 standard population.
  • Suppression of Estimates

    In accordance with data use restrictions of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), counts of fewer than 9 are suppressed to protect the privacy of the individuals and rates based on counts of 19 or fewer are suppressed because they are statistically unreliable. To further help interpret the data we have provided an indication of stability, based on the relative standard error (RSE). Estimates with an RSE of 30% - 49.9% are listed as Unstable and estimates with an RSE of 50% or greater are listed as Very Unstable.
  • U.S. Data

    Comparable data for the nation and other states may be found on the CDC's Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER) [].

Data Sources

  • '''Citation''': Hawaii State Department of Health, Hawaii Health Data Warehouse, Office of Health Status Monitoring, Death Data. [Chart Title, appropriate years(s)]. Published [update date]. Accessed [query date]. [URL]
  • '''Citation''': U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Annual County Resident Population Estimates by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin.

Data Issue

In accordance with the policies of the Office of Health Status Monitoring, Hawaiʻi data excludes all death records with HIV/AIDS (ICD-10: B20-B24, R75 or Z21) as the underlying cause.

The data and information provided through the Query System are intended to support any individuals or entities engaged in activities designed solely to enhance the well-being of a specific community. Allowed activities include informing evidence-based decision making and planning, improving health service delivery, evaluate health care interventions and systems, and inform health policy decisions. Other uses are not permissible.

As a Query System user, I AGREE TO:
  1. Use the data for statistical reporting and analysis only.
  2. Avoid any attempt to identify or contact individual(s) represented in the query system data.
  3. Avoid disclosure or use of the identity of any individual(s) discovered inadvertently.
  4. Avoid linkage of query system data with other data that, after linkage, might allow identification of an individual represented in the query system data.
  5. Use appropriate safeguards to prevent the identification of any individual(s) represented in the data, including when disclosing Query System data to others.
These data were queried on: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 03:18:34 HST
The dataset was last updated on: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 09:59:44 HST