Query Results for Hawaiʻi Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS) Data - Bought cigarettes through the mail, curr smk <18, High Schools, State-level
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Query Criteria
Current smokers under the age of 18 who bought cigarettes through the mail in the past 30 days Filter: | Yes |
Year Filter: | 2015, 2017, 2019 |
Data Grouped By: | Year |
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Data Notes
Question Wording:
During the past 30 days, where did you buy your own cigarettes? (You can CHOOSE ONE ANSWER or MORE THAN ONE ANSWER) - Through the mail. Among those under 18 who smoked cigarettes on 1 or more days of the past 30 days.Statistical Stability
Statistical stability, reported in the data table, is based on a statistic called the "Relative Standard Error," or RSE, which is the standard error expressed as a proportion of the point estimate (e.g., 30% of the point estimate).
"Stable" is displayed when the relative standard error (RSE) is below 0.30 and the count or rate may be considered stable.
"Unstable" is displayed when the RSE is 0.30-0.50. An unstable count or rate may fluctuate widely across time periods due to random variation (chance).
"Very Unstable" is displayed when the RSE is greater than 0.50. A very unstable count or rate should not be used to inform decision. Problems with statistical instability typically occur when there is a small number of health events in a small population. You may combine years or otherwise increase the population size used in the query to achieve a more stable count or rate.
"No Variance" is displayed when there is no record, or only one record in the sample population, for the selected indicator and demographics.
Suppression of Estimates
According to CDC guidelines, a minimum of 50 students must answer a question in order for it to be reported. Where the number of students is below 50, not reportable, will appear in the table.Weighted Survey Data
The percentages reported above have been produced by weighting the sample so that the results better represent the population of Hawaiʻi. Note: The weighted data is not available for middle school for 2000 or high school for 2003, due to low response rates.
Data Sources
Citation: Hawaii State Departments of Education and Health, Hawaii Health Data Warehouse, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Tobacco Survey. [Chart Title, appropriate years(s)]. Published [update date]. Accessed [query date]. [URL]Data Issues
Asymmetric Confidence Intervals
The confidence bounds are asymmetric. They do not extend evenly above and below the percentage, especially as the percentage gets close to 0% or 100%.Average Annual Population Estimate
The denominator includes all survey respondents except those with missing, don't know, and refused answers. If the query was limited to a particular sub-population-group (e.g. current smokers, students under the age of 18), only those respondents are included in the denominator.Survey Sample
YTS uses a stratified two-stage, cluster sample design to identify the sample. The sampling frame includes all students currently enrolled in grades 6-12 in a public school in the state of Hawaiʻi. Two samples are taken: one for middle school (grades 6-8) and one for high school (grades 9-12). Results are weighted by sex, grade, and race/ethnicity to ensure accurate representation of the population.Hawai'i Youth Tobacco Survey
The percentages reported above have been produced by weighting the sample so that the results better represent the Hawai'i population. Note: The weighted data is not available for high school for 2003 due to low response rates.