BRFSS Data Release Notes
General Release Notes
2023 BRFSS
New indicators added in 2023
New BRFSS indicators for 2023 are being developed and will be added soon.2022 BRFSS
Race/Ethnicity Data
HHDW has been working on standardizing the category descriptions across data sets. As part of this standardization the display order for DOH Race/Ethnicity has been changed to be the same across all data sets. The new display order is:- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Black
- Chinese
- Filipino
- Japanese
- Other Asian
- Native Hawaiian
- Other Pacific Islander
- White
- Other*
*Note: In 2022, the "Other" category was not included in the response options for MRACE2. Accordingly, users will notice an unusually low response rate for this race/ethnicity category. The Hawaiʻi BRFSS program has worked with the CDC to ensure this response option will be included in the 2023, 2024 and future surveys.
The display order for Census Race has also been changed to be the same across all data sets. The new display order is:
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
- White
- Other
New indicators added in 2022
Access to Health Care
- Health Insurance - have coverage (2021+)
- Health Insurance - have coverage (18-64, 2021+)
- Health care access - have a personal HCP (2021+)
- Health care access - have a personal HCP (2021+, cat)
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- CHD or heart attack prevalence
- Cancer - age when diagnosed (cat)
- Household income expanded (2021+)
Health Behaviors
- Spinal cord injury - ever had
- Spinal cord injury - disability status (cat)
- Traumatic brain injury - ever had
- Traumatic brain injury - disability status (cat)
- Physical activity - in neighborhood 1+ days, past 30 days
- Physical activity - in neighborhood 15+ days, past 30 days
Screening and Preventive Services
- Colorectal screening - meets new guidelines (45-75)
- Colorectal screening - blood stool test in past year (45-75)
- Sunburn - in past 12 months (cat)
- Sunburn - painful, 1+ times, in past 12 months
- Sunburn - painful, in past 12 months (cat)
- HPV - number of shots received (18-49, cat)
- Tetanus - shot in past 10 years
2021 BRFSS
Race/Ethnicity Title Changes
With the 2021 data load we made a couple of changes to the race/ethnicity titles, to be consistent across data sets and years. Now, we are using "White" and "American Indian or Alaska Native" as category titles.Indicator Category Changes
With the 2021 data load we made several changes to the categories and sub-categories. We alphabetized the categories and created a new category for Substance Use and new subcategories in Demographics, Health Behavior and Mental Health Status. Here is a listing of all of the current categories and subcategories:Access to Health Care
- Caregiving
- Insurance and Health Care Access
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
- Other Chronic Conditions
- Age, Sex and Race/ethnicity
- Employment and Income
- Geography
- Sexual Identity and Orientation
- Other
General Health Status and Disability
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Disability
- Health Status
Health Behaviors
- Family Planning
- Injury
- Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence
- Nutrition
- Nutrition - Food Insecurity
- Physical Activity
- Sleep
Mental Health Status
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Cognitive Decline
- Mental Health
Screening and Preventive Services
- Blood Cholesterol
- Cancer Screening - General
- Cancer Screening - Sex-Specific
- HIV Screening
- Immunization and Preventive Health
- Oral Health
Substance Use
- Alcohol Use
- Marijuana
- Prescription Medication
- Tobacco Use - Cessation and Second Hand Smoke
- Tobacco Use - Prevalence
New BRFSS indicators added in 2021
There are many new indicators available:Access to Health Care
- Caregiving - person receiving care has dementia
- Caregiving - age of person receiving care (cat)
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Arthritis - self-management class, ever
- Arthritis - HCP suggested physical activity
- Cancer - treatment status (cat)
- Cancer - participated in a clinical trial
- Cancer - ever denied insurance
- Kidney disease - with high blood pressure
Health Behaviors
- IPV - unwanted sex, ever
- IPV - physical abuse, ever
- IPV - physical injuries, past 12 months
- Food security - can't afford balanced meals
- Food security - food didn't last
Screening and Preventive Services
- PSA test - discussed with health care professional (40+)
- HPV - at least one vaccine (18-49)
Substance Use
- Marijuana - current use
- Marijuana - frequent use
- Marijuana - method of use (cat)
- Marijuana - reason for use (cat)
- Any tobacco - current use
- Cigarettes - usually smoke menthol
- Cigarettes/e-cigarettes - current use
- Cigars - current use
- Cigars - 3 level smoking status (cat)
2020 BRFSS
New BRFSS indicators added in 2020
There are many new indicators available:Demographics
- Housing - stand alone or multiunit
Health Behavior
- Physical activity - swimming
- Physical activity - snorkeling
- Physical activity - surfing
- Physical activity - boogie board or body surfing
- Physical activity - paddle boarding
- Physical activity - free diving
- Prescription meds - time since last use
- Prescription meds - pain meds left over, past year
- Prescription meds - disposition of left over pain meds
- Cessation - used a proven method, past 12 months
Screening and Preventive Services
- PSA test - recommended by health care professional (40+)
- PSA test - main reason for last test (40+, cat)
- Oral health - all permanent teeth removed (45+)
- Oral health - at least six teeth removed
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Arthritis - moderate or severe pain, past 30 days
- Cancer - current cancer or treatment pain
- Cancer - pain status, amg those with pain (cat)
- Cancer - pain under control, amg those with pain
- Cancer - doctor who provides most health care (cat)
- Cancer - insurance paid for treatment
- Cancer - received written follow up care instructions
- Cancer - 5 year survivor
Mental Health Status
HHDW has a new module for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).- ACE - emotional abuse
- ACE - physical abuse
- ACE - sexual abuse
- ACE - domestic violence in household
- ACE - problem drinking or drug use in household
- ACE - mental illness in household
- ACE - parental separation or divorce
- ACE - incarcerated household member
- ACE - count (cat)
- ACE - problem drinking in household
- ACE - problem drug use in household
- ACE - ever forced to have sex
- ACE - ever touched sexually
- ACE - ever forced to touch someone sexually
- Increased confusion, memory loss - get help for daily activities (45+)
2019 BRFSS
The default report has been changed to the statewide estimate for the most recent three years of data. This change was implemented to better align with our other data sources. Users can still view all years of data and data by county by clicking on the Modify Query Definition, selecting all available years (Step 2: TIME PERIOD), setting the geography to county (Step 3: GEOGRAPHIC AREA), selecting geography as the display by (category) (Step 8), and clicking submit.
New BRFSS indicators added in 2019
There are many new indicators available:Demographics
- Census race
- Primary care service area
- Food security - food stamps or SNAP benefits
- Food security - received free food
Health Behaviors
- Alcohol - max number of drinks (cat)
- Cessation - used a program or support group, past 12 months
- Cessation - used a quitline, past 12 months
- Cessation - used one-on-one counseling, past 12 months
- Cessation - used patch, gum, or meds, past 12 months
- Cessation - without help, past 12 months
- Cigarettes - among adults with poor mental health
- Cigarettes - among binge drinkers
- Cigarettes - among heavy or binge drinkers
- Daily frequency of total fruit and vegetable consumption (2017+, cat)
- Daily frequency of total vegetable consumption (2017+, cat)
- Family planning - any, last intercourse
- Family planning - method used (cat)
- Family planning - reason none used (cat)
- Fell - treatment received, past 12 months (45+, cat)
- Injury - can swim
- Injury - ocean-based recreation
- Physical activity - in neighborhood, past 30 days (cat)
- Physical activity - neighborhood supports
- Prescription meds - pain meds, past year
- Read calories in restaurants (cat)
- Read calories in restaurants, ever
- Seat belt - seen or heard seat belt back seat msg
- SSB - consumption per day (cat)
- SSB - consumption per week (cat)
- Sweetened drinks - consumption per day (cat)
- Sweetened drinks - consumption per week (cat)
Access to Health Care
- Caregiving - main health problem (cat)
- HCP arranged home health services
- HCP referred to community based services
- Health care access - have personal doctor
- Health insurance - have Medicaid (2017+)
Screening and Preventive Services
- Cholesterol - check in the last 5 yrs
- HIV - high risk situations (18-64, 2017+)
- Preventive services - checkup within the past year
- Shingles - ever received vaccine (50+)
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
- Asthma - current prevalence
- Cancer - number of different types (cat)
- Cholesterol - taking medicine for high blood cholesterol
- Chronic conditions - 1 or more
- Chronic conditions - count (cat)
- Diabetes - prediabetes prevalence
- Diabetes - self-management plan (cat)
- Diabetes - self-management plan ever
- HBP - self-management plan (cat)
New BRFSS dimensions added in 2019
A new geographic dimension was added in 2019 to allow users to view reports by Primary Care Service Area.There are also several new dimensions available to allow users to view reports by other health behaviors or conditions:
- Diabetes
- Obese (BMI greater than or equal to 30)
- Cancer (ever diagnosed with any kind of cancer)
- Current Cigarette Smoker
- Meets Physical Activity Recommendations (aerobic and strengthening)
Change in the raking methodology
The 2019 BRFSS raking method includes categories of age by gender, detailed race and ethnicity groups, education levels, marital status, regions within states, gender by race and ethnicity, telephone source, renter or owner status, and age groups by race and ethnicity.2018 BRFSS
Changes in the race/ethnicity dimensions.
In 2018, the Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH) revised how it collects race/ethnicity information in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The new methodology better aligns with national data collection standards and complies with the race/ethnicity algorithm used by the Office of Health Status Monitoring in DOH.There are now two versions of DOH race/ethnicity: (2011+, new) and (2011-2017).
- DOH race/ethnicity (2011+, new) includes data from 2011-2017 which have been harmonized with 2018 data to be consistent across survey years and instruments. We will be supporting this dimension going forward.
- DOH race/ethnicity (2011-2017) is the old version which you have seen in the past. Because of the changes, the 2018 BRFSS data is not available for the DOH race/ethnicity (2011-2017) dimension.
For a limited time, both versions of DOH race/ethnicity will be available, to give users an opportunity to compare and assess the impact of this change on indicators that are of interest to them. Please plan on transitioning to the new (2011+, new) race/ethnicity dimension going forward, as this is the new standard for DOH.
- Program race/ethnicity (2011+, new) has also changed and includes data from 2011 forward. This dimension has been streamlined into 15 categories, down from 40 categories, based on changes in the data collection instrument.
- In 2018, the Department of Health (DOH) revised how it collects race/ethnicity information in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The new methodology better aligns with national data collection standards and complies with the race/ethnicity algorithm used by the Office of Health Status Monitoring in DOH.
Poverty Level (2014+) dimension.
This new socioeconomic indicator dimension is based on multiple questions including the number of people living in the household and the annual household income from all sources. These numbers are compared to the annual US Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines to approximate the respondent's Federal Poverty Level percentage. This data is available from 2014 to the most recent year. Queries that request an indicator by this dimension will only include data from 2014 forward.Sexual and Gender Minority (2014+) dimension.
This new demographic indicator dimension is based on sexual orientation and transgender identity. Adults who identify their sexual orientation as gay, lesbian, bisexual or something else, or who identify as transgender are coded as "yes" all others are coded as "no". This data is available from 2014 to the most recent year. Queries that request an indicator by this dimension will only include data from 2014 forward.Transgender (2014+) dimension.
This new demographic indicator dimension is based on transgender identity. Adults who identify as transgender (male-to-female, female-to-male or gender non-conforming) are coded as "yes" all others are coded as "no". This data is available from 2014 to the most recent year. Queries that request an indicator by this dimension will only include data from 2014 forward.2017 BRFSS
The underlying SAS code was modified to more accurately generate the asymmetric confidence intervals that occur when point prevalences approach 0 and 1. This code change will impact all BRFSS reports. As a result, there may be slight differences in confidence intervals and relative standard errors, and hence, reportability, from previous years. Please check your query results carefully and re-run reports as necessary. HI-IBIS runs on SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc: Cary, NC).
2014 BRFSS
Beginning in 2014, all adults contacted through their cellular telephones are eligible to participate in the survey, regardless of their landline phone use (complete overlap).
2011 BRFSS
The BRFSS raking method includes categories of age by gender, detailed race and ethnicity groups, education levels, marital status, regions within states, gender by race and ethnicity, telephone source, renter or owner status, and age groups by race and ethnicity.
All Years
Race/Ethnicity Data
Respondents are asked the following question to ascertain their race/ethnicity:- Which one or more of the following would you say is your race?
This question is used to create the Race/ Ethnicity classifications. In HHDW, the most granular level is the program race/ethnicity (PRG) which rolls up into the DOH standard race/ethnicity (DOH), which rolls up into Census race reporting categories (Census). The table below illustrates how the data is aggregated.
Race/Ethnicity Classifications | |||
Source Race/Ethnicity | Program Race/Ethnicity (PRG) | DOH Race/Ethnicity (DOH) | Census Race (Census) |
American Indian or Alaska Native | American Indian or Alaska Native | American Indian or Alaska Native | American Indian or Alaska Native |
Asian Indian | Asian Indian | Other Asian | Asian |
Black | Black | Black | Black or African American |
Chinese | Chinese | Chinese | Asian |
Filipino | Filipino | Filipino | Asian |
Guamanian or Chamorro | Guamanian or Chamorro | Other Pacific Islander | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander |
Hawaiian | Hawaiian | Native Hawaiian | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander |
Japanese | Japanese | Japanese | Asian |
Korean | Korean | Other Asian | Asian |
Samoan | Samoan | Other Pacific Islander | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander |
Vietnamese | Vietnamese | Other Asian | Asian |
Other Asian | Other Asian | Other Asian | Asian |
Other Pacific Islander | Other Pacific Islander | Other Pacific Islander | Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander |
White | White | White | White |
Other | Other | Other | Other |
Documentation is available here to describe how we collect and map race/ethnicity, geography, and poverty level.HHDW Race/Ethnicity Documentation
HHDW Geography Documentation
HHDW Poverty Level Documentation
HHDW Sexual and Gender Minority Documentation