Hawaiʻi Health Data Warehouse

HHDW Report Policy

Report Policy

The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse routinely publishes reports from six data sources, including Vital Statistics, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS), Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS), Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), and the Hawaii Health Survey (HHS). Before the reports are posted, the data providers are required to validate the reports. Validating the reports involves getting approval for the differences in numbers and formatting preferences between the data providers and HHDW reports. Differences in numbers could result from the dates of data retrieval or reporting dates, statistical tools used, and rounding or comparison methodologies.

The design and presentation of the reports are the results of several meetings between the HHDW team and respective data providers and users. Input from a DOH User Group which includes analysts, statisticians, and epidemiologists were collected in terms of which health indicators should be made available, whether to use tables versus charts and the inclusion of counts, confidence intervals and percentages. It is important that users refer to the documentation included in each report in order to accurately understand the basis of the data. The Resources section of this web site houses additional information.

Should you have any questions about the reports, email profiles@hhdw.org or call HHDW at (855) 946-5899.